Dr. James V. Rosa, ED.D.
As a successful immigrant to the United States, Dr. Rosa has multiple non-American degrees and additional US degrees that include: an Ed.D. in Education (Technology and Learning), an MBA, an MS in Computer Science, and a BS in Computer Science.
With many years of educational and professional experience in roles from professor to vice president, Dr. Rosa has experience in many areas: research, product development, marketing, R&D, engineering, documentation, compliance, quality, instructional design, education, teaching, training, manufacturing, customer support, and product support.
Dr. Rosa has experience in many different environments including private and public education, aerospace, military (e.g., classified Secret), industry, energy (oil, electrical, nuclear, solar), automotive (electric vehicles), government, and consumer.
He has been involved with some of the most preeminent technology institutions in the world (PARC–Palo Alto Research Center, Bell Labs, etc.) as well as the development of some of the most seminal and pervasive technologies in use today (e.g., the mouse, networking, the Internet, solar power, electric vehicles, smart highways, drones, classified technologies, etc.).
Philanthropy by Dr. Rosa includes personal charity, working for the aged and physically challenged, as well as volunteer work, particularly serving for many years as a Computer Subject Matter Expert recording college and university textbooks for blind and visually impaired students (Recording For The Blind, Hollywood, California).