Welcome to SSU 2020 Spring Quarter
Dear SSU Students:
I would like to personally welcome you to the start of spring quarter classes beginning today. Like most colleges and universities in the U.S. and around the world, this will mark the first time that all classroom instruction will be delivered exclusively online. It is part of what SSU is doing in response to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic and is full compliance with all federal & state regulations and accreditation criteria.
Please be sure to login to Moodle and be aware of all your online course requirements. It is important to stay in touch with your instructors, academic advisors and for international students, your DSOs.
Please also note that while all SSU offices are fully operational to assist our students, by order of the Governors of California and Nevada all staff are working remotely from their homes. Please use email to communicate with all SSU offices as they are physically closed by order of state government. We are here to assist you during regular business hours via email.
Academic Advising
San Diego Main Campus: Aisha Cunha (acunha@ssu.edu)
Irvine Branch Campus: Kimi Ho (kho@ssu.edu)
Las Vegas Branch Campus: Aisha Cunha (acunha@ssu.edu)
Office of the Registrar
Wendy Du (registrar@ssu.edu)
Office of the Bursar (student payments)
Paola Procida (pprocida@ssu.edu)
Lastly, consistent with all other colleges and universities in the US, SSU has postponed our annual commencement ceremony previously scheduled for June 28, 2020, to a future date, hopefully in the fall. The exact date will depend entirely on guidance from government and public health officials as the pandemic progresses.
Thank you for your cooperation in these unprecedented times. Please know we are here to support and assist you in your educational goals.
John Tucker
Southern States University
Southern States University